Simple Fitness & Diet Tips

high over days ago the secret today's it's about diet & Fitness ultra high school I was like existing after high school my metabolism obviously stop Tory it's sort of like hit a to get ahead of course but and then so I continue to eat the same benefit that ice-t_ and not realizing that metabolism is not keeping up with the matter said I was eating so I immediately gained 10 kilograms hang on a second you know what is happening people's I calling me fat and that's when I realized okay I guess it is time for me to really consider what I was eating so then after that I went on this cute like from die you know trend what title is tied to print up a diet so I've tried like the lemon detox tried like the night any cops even tried you know liquid diet just taking everything from a straw I'm a lots goes you guys out there right on this thread by starving yourself and not using I haven't studied you know an anorexic and bulimia and in high school and I realize how dangerous it is to be stopping in South Orange how people battle with on you know for the body image till this day I think and I added as Alicia healthy eating healthy foods and he gained enough nutrients in your body will actually naturally slimmed-down I cut out all the shivers in my diet so I subject was so dry I stop eating candy I some drinking juice because I love just contain tons of sugar so I'm I sent you fresh foods and then I realized just from doing bad within the month I've lost three kilograms and that was whopping big thing for me.

the other thing that I tried was always had a huge breakfast doesn't matter how busy I get to make sure that I always have access to fussing warning I'll actually consume as much as I want sock in it anything for like two or three 3 o'clock I have likened late watch at the late lunch I usually have a lot of protein so like our stock up on you liked you can always stay foreign lands or anything with like the sink anything with rising Kenda and protein in a is great and then at night time I actually just stick to having only salad words to anything after 8 p.m. I just acid right I specialty their call center anything else for the whole month I think I lost a to two and a half kilograms this month's mature where a lot of my friends have their birthdays so we have when you get when you get a party if you go to like about the dinner you can just be like nope a committee pasta con no I can he call you know I have any checks alan Wilson you would just be like I'm not by you out ever again you know so to avoid that happening what I did was I still able to enjoy all the fifth I want that everything that I ate I ate only 60 percent full. Also lasting very important is of course exercise so we've definitely need to know the exercise and diet comes hand in hand how this sounds really funny but I 6do this all the time

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